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Tuščiavidurė karūna 2 sezonas Online

Tuščiavidurė karūna 2 sezonas

(The Hollow Crown season 2)
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  • Šalis UK
8.3 IMDB
Trukmė: 2 Val. 30 min.
Kalba: en
Kokybė: WEBDL
Režisisavo: N/A
Filmo siužetas:
Adaptations of Shakespeare's history plays Henry VI parts 1 & 2 and Richard III. 1. Henry VI Part 1 Following his father's early death and the loss of possessions in France young Henry VI comes to the throne, under the protection of the duke of Gloucester. He is unaware that there are other claimants to the throne, Plantagent of York and Somerset of Lancaster, whose factions will ultimately cause the Wars of the Roses. Ignorant of the schisms Henry tries to unite them in the Hundred metais War, capturing Joan of Arc, before he marries Margaret of Anjou to unite England and France, but there is no dowry, angering the court. Margaret finds the pious Henry a dull... 2. Henry VI Part 2 Five metais on the country is in the midst of civil war with Suffolk and Buckingham among the casualties at the battle of St Albans and the triumphant Plantagenet claiming the throne for the Yorkists. To avoid further bloodshed Henry agrees to make Plantagenrt his heir on his death, angering queen Margaret, who shocks her husband with a violent counter action. However the Yorkists triumph with Edward IV crowned king. Henry, descending into madness, is imprisoned in the Tower of London whilst Margaret and her son seek sanctuary in France. Yet Edward is not without his... 3. Richard III Evil Richard plots his path to rule and layers that path with bodies of friend and foe alike.

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