
Nenugalimasis žmogus - voras 1 sezonas
(Ultimate Spider-Man 1 season)
- Metai [xfvalue_metai]
- Šalis USA
Trukmė: 23 min.
Kalba: lt
Kokybė: WEBDL
Todd McFarlane
Drake Bell, Ogie Banks, Chi McBride, Logan Miller, Greg Cipes, Caitlyn Taylor Love, Matt Lanter
Atnaujinta 22 serija (lietuviški subtitrai)
Filmo siužetas:
Its been a metai, and Spider-Man is still finding the superhero life is full of dangerous pitfalls and avoidable collateral damage. Fortunately, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., offers to fix that with a special training program that offers to make Peter Parker the Ultimate Spider-man. Now the quintessential superhero loner must learn to get along with a new team of superheroes as fellow students, both in his professional and personal life. Between those demands and the supervillains, life is as hectic as ever for the Webslinging Wonder.